
Discover your true abilities! 🧗

Feel stronger, more capable, and more focused than ever before!

5 Day White Band Challenge🤸‍♀️

How fit are you? See how you measure up!

How fit are you really? You can find out now with our full fitness assessment, which is designed for everyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re a professional athlete, a parent, a fitness enthusiast, or just starting out on your fitness journey. This test is tailored to suit your needs. To get a good understanding of your overall fitness level, it’s important to assess different aspects of your physical health.

Fitness is a lot of things—strength, endurance, speed, mobility, and more. Mobility is often overlooked, but it’s really important for preventing injuries and maintaining a pain-free, active lifestyle. You can identify areas that need improvement, just like professional athletes and coaches do, and then track your progress over time.

This White Band Challenge offers exercises and resources to help you improve your mobility and overall fitness. It’s a good idea to test yourself again after a period of training. This will help you see your progress and keep you motivated. Improving performance in areas that need work can benefit anyone, from elite athletes to those just looking to improve their daily movement. Be ready for any physical challenge that comes your way.

Discover Your True Fitness Potential!

Ready to get started? Take the White Band Fitness Challenge and see what you’re really capable of. Take some simple tests to measure your fitness level and set some goals to make sure you stay active, healthy and injury-free. Have you always thought of yourself as reasonably fit, but deep down, you knew you were just skimming the surface?

Have you found yourself stuck in a workout rut and wondering if you’re really making any progress? If so, we can help! Are you ready to take your fitness to the next level? Are you looking for something more challenging that will push you beyond your limits and help you reach your full potential? Then join us and get your Athletic Dojo Black Band fitness journey started! Get fit for good with us and see what it feels like to be your best self!

Some of the main areas of fitness that we focus on are:

  • Balance: Body Control for Improved Coordination.
  • Aerobic fitness: How well the heart uses oxygen.
  • Anaerobic endurance: Ability to sustain intense physical activity.
  • Muscle strength and endurance: How hard and long muscles can work.
  • Speed & reaction time: Being in time for the perfect moment.
  • Flexibility: Regain the full range of motion of joints.
  • Body composition: The amounts of fat and muscle in the body.

What Happens If You Don’t Act?

If you don’t pay attention to your fitness levels, you might find that:

  • Poor health and increased risk of injury
  • You might not see results from your workouts
  • Lack of motivation and progress in your fitness journey
  • Wrong priorities, time is always in short supply
  • It will get harder to move around and do everyday things

All of this is true for many people. But you can change it. You can take control of your fitness. Do you want to achieve things you never thought possible, from mastering advanced exercises to improving your flexibility and agility. The Athletic Dojo Fitness Journey can transform your body and mindset. You will be more confident, more resilient, and ready to take on any challenge life throws your way.

A Journey from Ordinary to Extraordinary

What Makes the Athletic Dojo Fitness Journey Different? There are a few reasons why the Athletic Dojo Fitness Test stands out. The first thing to note is that the test is quite humbling. It will show you weaknesses you haven´t even been aware of. Instead of feeling defeated, you will feel motivated.

Fitness isn’t just about lifting weights or running marathons. It’s about overall health and well-being. The White Band Fitness Challenge showed me where I needed to improve, and gave me a clear plan to get there. With each challenge, I felt stronger, more capable, and more determined to keep going. Why

  • Comprehensive fitness assessment across multiple areas
  • Easy to follow and accessible for everyone
  • Suitable for all ages, , from young adults to seniors
  • Personalized insights help you improve your fitness
  • Enhanced motivation and custom goal-setting capabilities
  • Track your progress towards your fitness aspirations.
  • Expert Guidance valuable insights from others
  • Prevention of potential injuries with targeted exercises
  • Achieve Peak Performance over time

Here are simple descriptions of these tests. As it is not always possible to do the test exactly as described, just make sure you are consistent and do the exercise the same way each time. Then use the results as a benchmark for future testing.

To do your assessment, you´ll need:

It’s really straightforward to get started! All you need is a small space and a little motivation. Join our WhatsApp group to get the latest updates and support from our community. Take the White Band Test to see where you’re at fitness-wise and make your program work for you. Start with:

  • A fitness mat
  • A little space
  • A few minutes here and there

ou can use the clock and stopwatch functions on your cell phone to time yourself. You can also use the GPS function to measure out a track and do a set distance. If you have someone to help you record your results and count how many times you repeat something, even better. Or, you can ask someone to do it with you or compete against them.

Day 1: Flexibility Tests

Forward Bend / Toe Touches

Stand tall with your feet together and arms at your sides.
Slowly, bend at the hips while keeping your knees engaged.
Allow your upper body to hang over.
Let your arms drop as well, dangling in front of you.
Measure how far your fingertips are from the ground.

Goal: Fully bend over and touch your toes.
Measure: Distance of fingertips from the ground.

Reaching Hands Behind Back

Use one hand to reach behind your neck, between your shoulders.
while reaching behind your back, toward your shoulders, with the other.
Your body wants to lean forward. Remain standing tall.
Stretch with a towel if actively reaching is too much.
It is common to have a slight reduction in mobility on one side.

Goal: Interlace fingers.
Measure: Distance between hands.

Seated Forward Fold

Start in a comfortable seated position with your legs crossed.
Slowly fold forward, you can simply crawl your hands in front of you and lean on your palms.

Goal: Come all the way down.
Measure: Distance of head from the ground.

Pancake Stretch

Start in a comfortable seated position Push your hips forward, to get your legs as wide apart as possible.
Slowly fold forward, you can simply crawl your hands in front of you and lean on your palms.
If you want to come down on your elbows, go ahead.

Goal: Come all the way down.
Measure: Distance of head from the ground.

Cobra Abdominal Stretch

Lie face down with your hands under your shoulders.
Point your feet downwards to lengthen your spine.
Slowly push your torso up as far as you comfortably can – try to get your hips to rise off the floor slightly.
Hold the stretch and then lower down to starting position.

Goal: Straight arms. Extend torso up as far as comfortable.

Twist Back Stretch

Lie down on your back.
Extend one leg pointing up toward the ceiling.
Cross your leg over your midline to the floor on the other side of your body.
Rest your other hand on your knee or extend it to make a T shape with the arms.
Open your arm to the other side keeping it in line with your shoulders.
Turn your palms toward the ceiling.
Turn your head, bringing your gaze over your shoulder to your fingertips.

Goal: Keep knee on the floor and shoulders flat.

Kneeling Wrist / Forearm Stretch

Kneel on a soft workout surface or fitness mat,
Place your hands beside your knees
Outstretch your arms and gently lean backwards and down with your fingertips pointing towards your knees.
Gradually apply a little pressure by sitting back so that your glutes reach your heels. Feel a nice stretch in your wrists.

Goal: Feel a nice stretch in the wrists.

Kneeling Lean Back

Start by kneeling on the floor placing your hands behind your heels.
While performing this motion, bring your head back
Bend your arms and lower your upper body to the floor while pushing your hips forward.

Goal: Get on your ellbows or all the way down with your upper body.

Day 2: Strength Tests

Max. Sit-Ups

Lie with knees bent and feet on the floor.
You can have someone hold your feet or place them under something.
Place your hands beside your ears, elbows pointing out.
Engage your abs and lift your head, neck and shoulders up.
Pretend you are holding a small ball under your chin.
End position is hands touching the feet.

Goal: Perform as many sit-ups as possible.

Max. Push-Ups

Get into plank position and place hands wide apart, supporting your body on your toes.
Your body should be straight and elbows extended.
Keep abs engages and hips lifted off the floor.
Allow the elbows to flex and lower your chest to the floor, then repeat.

Goal: Perform as many push-ups as possible.

Max. Plank Time

Get into a face down position on the floor supporting your upper body on your forearms.
Your elbows should be bent at 90 degrees.
Extend your legs straight out behind you, supporting them on your toes and balls of your feet.
Keep your body in a straight line by tightening your abdominal and oblique muscles.

Goal: Hold plank position as long as possible.

Max. Air Squats

Place your feet at shoulder width apart while keeping your chest up and your abdominals braced.
Begin the movement by swinging your arms up towards your shoulders.
At the same time, bend at the knees and drive your hips back like you’re sitting in a chair.
Bring your hips as far down as possible, while keeping the heels on the ground
Then drive your hips forward to return to the starting position.

Goal: Perform as many air squats as possible.

Max. Pistol / One Leg Squats

Stand straight with your feet hip width apart, arms fully extended and your hands by your sides.
Raise one foot from the floor, extending your leg out in front of you.
As you do so, raise both arms out in front of you in a smooth arc for balance.
Lower your body as far as possible by pushing your hips back as if sitting down in a chair.
Return to the start position by pushing down through your heel and straightening your leg.
Lower your arms to the start position as you do so.

Goal: Perform as many one-leg squats as possible.

Max. L-Sit Time

L-sits can be done on the floor with no equipment or using a set of boxes or bars.
The tuck L-sit is a lot easier for beginners because your legs are bent, so your core is holding up a shorter lever.
If your hamstrings are too tight, you might end up with bent knees or a rounded back.
Pace palms on each side, under shoulders.
Straighten arms, lock elbows at sides, pull shoulder blades down and away from ears, and engage lats.
Lift legs off the floor until parallel with or close to parallel with the floor.
Squeeze your core, and extend both legs in front of you, keeping your legs as straight as possible.
Squeeze quads together tightly, point your toes, and look straight ahead to maintain neutral neck.
Try to focus on keeping your chest up and toes pointed to keep every muscle in your legs active.

Goal: Hold the L-sit position as long as possible.

Day 3: Coordination Tests

Forward Roll

Squat with your feet together. Alternatively, you can start in an upright standing position.
Place your hands shoulder width apart on the ground in front of you with your elbows bent.
Drop your head between your arms. Be sure to tuck in your chin.
As you move into the roll, you don’t want to place weight on your neck – it should move directly onto your upper back.
Be sure to keep your chin tucked in and your back curved.
If you straighten out, your roll won’t have as much momentum.
Get back on your feet in one motion without using your hands as you stand up.

Goal: Perform a smooth forward roll.


Try handstands on the wall. This will help you become familiar with the feeling of supporting your body upside down.
Get a spotter. When you’re learning how to do a handstand and walk on your hands, it helps to have someone nearby.
Tip your body forward and plant your hands on the ground so that they are about shoulder-width apart.
Keep your arms straight. Bending your elbows can result in injury.
Keep your shoulders tucked in toward your neck, like you’re shrugging.
Swing your legs and torso upward.
Keep your back and legs straight, and don’t throw your head back.
Keep your legs straight and pressed together. This will help prevent you from falling to the side.
Your weight should balance toward your fingers, rather than your wrists.
Balance on your hands for a few moments.
Get comfortable with safely exiting a handstand by pivoting on one arm and landing with your feet to the side.
When you want to exit a handstand, roll out by bending your arms and tucking into a forward roll.
You can also simply drop your feet back and do a bridge, if you’re flexible enough.

Goal: Balance on hands for a few moments.

Handstand Forward Roll

This advanced variation starts with a basic handstand.
Instead of kicking out of the handstand, bend your arms.
Lower your body toward the ground, then tuck your head and move into a forward roll.
Finish in a standing position

Walk on Your Hands

Walking on your hands is the logical next move after you’ve learned to do a handstand.
Choose a roomy location with a soft, flat surface. A garden or gym mat would work well.
Ask a friend to spot you. This person’s job will be to catch your legs if you start to fall.
Start by taking baby steps and pausing so you learn to keep your balance upside down.
Hold your core tight. Tense up your stomach to keep your back straight.
You may stumble around on your hands to keep balance, that’s the first step.
Move one hand forward, leaning slightly in the direction you want to go.
Move the other hand forward, leaning slightly in the direction you want to go.
Try to move in one single direction, rather than placing your hands wherever they land.
Roll out when you’re finished. Bend your arms, tuck in your head.

Goal: Walk on hands as gracefully as on feet.

Backward Roll

Start in a squat position. Hold your hands close to the body with the palms flat towards the ceiling.
Start by rolling over your shoulder and land on your knees.
Drop your butt down like you are sitting. Tuck the chin.
Roll backwards and each for the mat while keeping your hands close to your shoulders
When you have enough arm strength, put the pressure on your hands and your shoulders to avoid hurting your neck.
Kick your toes over your head to roll yourself. Land on your feet.

Goal: Perform a smooth backward roll.

Backroll to Handstand

Get use to doing regular forward and back rolls.
Move up to higher rolls and get comfortable with them.
Use your legs to kick up, instead of relying on arms strength.
Push-up harder with your arms while rolling back while trying to gain control.
The last step is to master syhronizing kick-up with the pushing up of the arms.


Make sure the area around you is free and safe.
Use a line in front of you as a guide while you perform your cartwheel.
You can even use painter’s tape to create a real line across a carpet or a mat.
Lunge forward with your lead leg and raise your arms.
A common mistake is to start a cartwheel while facing sideways.
Keep your arms straight by your ears as you lower them down to bring your head and torso down as well.
Bring your back leg up while keeping it straight so your body forms a “T” shape.
Place your hands on the mat as you turn your body sideways.
Place both hands along the imaginary line. Think “hand hand feet” to help you process the cartwheel.
Push off on your front leg, make sure to keep your legs straight the whole time.
push so your legs end up in the air, pointing straight upwards.
To complete the cartwheel, put your legs down along your imaginary line.

Goal: Perform a fluid cartwheel.

Backflip / Salto

Coming Soon

Day 4: Endurance Tests

Max. Burpees for Time

Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart and hands by your sides. This is the start position.
In one smooth motion, squat down and place your hands palms down on the floor in front of your feet.
Lean forward, so your weight is on your hands, at the same time jumping your legs out behind you until they are fully extended.
Your body should form a push up position with your weight supported on your toes and the balls of your feet and your arms fully extended.
Complete 1 full push up with lying down and clapping behind your back.
Jump your feet forward to just behind your hands.
Use an explosive motion to push through your heels and jump as high as you can.
Land with your knees slightly bend and repeat.

Goal: Perform as many burpees as possible within a set time (1, 3 or 5 min.)

What You’re Truly Capable Of

Have fun! We get that staying fit is a journey. The Athletic Dojo Fitness Test is a great way to figure out what you’re good at and where you can improve. Take part in enjoyable challenges that test your limits and make you proud of your progress. From “The Most Push-Ups in One Day” to “The Longest Plank,” our challenges are great for keeping you motivated and engaged. We’re here to help you reach your fitness potential and live a healthier, more active life.

  • Empathy: We know staying fit can be challenging, and we’re here to help you make it easier.
  • Authority: Put together by athletes and coaches, our fitness test provides accurate and valuable insights.

What’s the best way to improve fitness?

Each time you take the test, be proud of how far you’ve come. Then, set new fitness goals. If you’d like more guidance, feel free to share your results with your healthcare professional or trainer. These kind of test is really useful for coaches, as they can use the results to make training decisions and help you reach your goals and full potential. How do you stay fit with limited time, work smarter.

  • Stay Active: Aim for at least 180 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 90 minutes of vigorous activity weekly.
  • Strength Training: Perform strength training exercises for all major muscle groups at least twice a week.
  • Track Progress: Keep records of your fitness test results to monitor improvement over time.
  • Use Technology: Your phone can be a great tool for timing, measuring distances, and recording progress.
  • Seek guidance: Share your results with a experienced athlete or trainer for personalized advice.

We’re here to help you learn new exercises and skills, map out your fitness journey, and keep track of all your achievements in one place. Fitness testing is a great way to understand your current fitness level, set goals, and track progress. By regularly assessing and improving your fitness, you can enhance your overall health, prevent injuries, and maintain an active lifestyle.

Your Results: Our simple Process

We are thrilled to hear your results! Our simple process is all about helping you achieve your fitness goals! We work on custom fitness plans that are tailored to your specific needs and preferences. Join our AthleticDojo fitness community to get a little friendly competition by sharing exercises with your friends!

The best part is that you can start for free and engage right away! We really appreciate your help! Spread the word and share your journey with the community, friends, family, and colleagues! They’ll love hearing about your progress and giving you feedback. We’ve got a whole range of amazing rewards, complimentary content, and small thank-you gifts for you! We’re aiming for 50 members! Reach out to your current contacts and invite anyone else you think might be interested. We’ll make sure to deliver results!

  1. Sign Up – Sign up now to join our supportive WhatsApp group and answer the Activity & Motivation Questionnaire.
  2. Submit – We can’t wait to hear about your results and dreams! We’re here to support you every step of the way.
  3. Improve – Start by identifying your weaknesses and then get ready to crush your fitness goals!

By regularly assessing and improving your fitness, you can supercharge your overall health, prevent injuries, and maintain an active lifestyle! Are you ready to take control of your fitness journey and make a commitment to yourself? Or do you feel unmotivated or uninspired on your fitness journey? When you’re ready, please sign up and start your journey to becoming the best version of yourself! Get started today and discover your true fitness potential. Make training a source of strength, fun, and motivation in your life.

Send results now and start your journey to becoming the best version of yourself! 🚀

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